1-2 pairs of hunting trousers – light / medium weight
2 shirts – one light and one medium weight
3 pairs of woolen socks
2 silk or poly material base layer jerseys
2 pairs of base layer shorts
1 set of insulating underwear – preferably wool or poly
1 lightweight jacket
1 warm hunting jacket
1 set of high quality lightweight/breathable rain gear – jacket and pants
2 pairs of gloves – 1 lightweight or leather, the other waterproof
Warm or insulated hat or cap
Well broken in CLEAN boots (a good support boot like Meindl-Kenetrek-Lowa style)
Binoculars - preferably 8 or 10 power (the guides carry spotting scopes)
Rangefinder (not essential as the guides have these)
Small day pack
Lightweight flashlight and/or head lamp
Camera or phone camera
110/220v New Zealand power converter